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Within your health trust how many breast cancer patients are currently [within the past 6 months] being treated for bone metastases with the following treatments;Bone Metastases3. Within your health trust how many breast cancer patients are currently [within the past 6 months] being treated with adjuvant therapy with the following treatments;4. Within your health trust how many metastatic lung cancer patients are currently [within the past 6 months] being treated with any therapy, surgery or palliative care.Lung5. Within your health trust how many lung cancer patients are currently [within the past 6 months] being treated for bone metastases with the following treatments;6. Within your health trust how many metastatic renal cell cancer patients are currently [within the past 6 months] being treated with any therapy, surgery or palliative care.Renal7. Within your health trust how many renal cell carcinoma [RCC] patients are currently [within the past 6 months] being treated for bone metastases with the following treatments;!The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Wilmslow Road ManchesterM20 4BXUnited Kingdom FOI requestsInformation Governance OfficerTel: 0161 446 3000Email: FOI@christie.nhs.ukVThis information is held by The Christie whom you can contact using the details below:*3 )4IC6c9j:ccB g2ɀ >Y,_d  dMbP?_*+%,&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?M\\WWLXerPS1\Xerox_Follow_You0C 4dXXA4 (210 x 297 mm)DINU"D~SMTJXerox PullPrn PCL6 V4.0.548.8.0RESDLLUniresDLLXrxTrueTypeFontDlOptionTTF_DOWNLOAD_AS_TRUETYPEXrxEdgeToEdgeEDGE_TO_EDGE_OFFColorMode24bppXrxHalftoneXRX_NORMAL_HTXEROX_JOB_SETUP_BEGINCBXEROX_JOB_SETUP_ENDCBXEROX_DOC_BEGINCBXEROX_DOC_SETUP_ENDCBXEROX_PAGE_SETUP_BEGINCBXEROX_PAGE_SETUP_ENDCBXEROX_PAGE_FINISH_BEGINCBXEROX_PAGE_FINISH_ENDCBXEROX_DOC_FINISH_BEGINCBXEROX_DOC_FINISH_ENDCBXEROX_JOB_FINISH_BEGINCBXEROX_JOB_FINISH_ENDCBOrientationPORTRAITCollateONDuplexVERTICALResolutionRes600x600PaperSizeA4D1NRX ?   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