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Ba[J͑@Qa8'/k˘bc! C&([p_~osc  )%M,EIV 6``w]y [,_)' 2@p^ :.Γ03f # H1<kUE3dq@hVr6 V H@ReHTW3NߋAD9Ogo0ҧ+U]ҤC0B5z@Ëڦ^Y }v>z~Z[>ZC΄W/: gPjCDt@ӀXAmل^ډpLnq^'!Kv& 0&p\}WLMB3d]W1N?SB+VwrB{7u\@~09XH~/B unS]3ڡ5ʏDh*讋:~!DyաiOZ40#`.4?mîEdqMm@Smg vxZzyU>vfޏ*xo@ɶ%voyȏ>  !0h3\FwkAZǻX)q%mo|۲cYd7џ>yƟqүUHf닜^ Z!B+o;?rBФ Hh<?r[C*o+"##W |'N"#'Th?Gi[IENDB`3 A@@   Register numberDate declaration received Declared byItem Offered byValueAccepted01.04.1224.04.1220.04.1213.08.1203.09.12 ConsultantZTeaching invitation Elbow Arthroscopy course, including transport, accommodation and mealsSmith & NephewFull value not statedYesConsultant Orthopaedic SurgeonFPresent at Shoulder 2 Shoulder Meeting, travel accommodation and mealsMSouth African Proctorship Visits May 2012, accommodation, transport and meals ReceptionistRPersonal visit by member of the public for heading in found car keys to the publicPrivate individualYes and donated to tickled pink.Visit to evaluate MRI scanner from 3 suppliers GE Healthcare<Senior Supt Radiographer, Senior Radiographer and Consultant*Siemens, GE Healthcare, Philips HealthcareS708.00 total cost for 3 people Seimens, 422.40pp GE Healthcare, 253.47pp PhilipsKitchen ManagerBox of M&S Mixed winesPatient  name unknown Not statedNo31.12.12Project ManagerHarrods East India Hamper/Language Empire Ltd  sent unannounced via post Approx 100#Yes and donated to 3 Wishes Charity04.12.1220.5.13Card with 20 insidePatientYes but donated to Charity(Not employed with the trust on this date Ward ManagerM&S Gift card for all staffRelative of patientTotal value 40023.8.13. Not on ESR43 tickets to RFL Tetley challenge Cup Final 24.8.13.Ardentia Database consultants Est. 60 each+Yes but donated to FCFC charity for auction01. of Performancem1 night B&B at the Hampton by Hilton Liverpool City Centre to support attendance at the FTN annual conferenceUnipart Expert Practice Approx 6027.11.13'5 cash gift placed in a Christmas card3Yes, but suggested donation to WWL 3 wishes charity&Not employed by the trust on this date26.11.13 Executive PA*Invitation to evening dinner by DW stadium DW Stadium Senior HR BP"Invitation to dinner at DW stadium 11.12.13.Trust Procurement Manager18.3.14.?Travel, hotel and food as engaged in ongoing teaching programme28.4.14.@Visit to clinic in Brussels to view new Equipment (Gamma Camera)4Consultant Radiologist & Superintendant RadiographerRationale for acceptance=Value not known but Includes air fare and an over night stay Yes \Required to assess equipment for replacement (company currently provides existing equipment)07.05.14Director of Finance and ITjBusiness trip to India to view back office services and efficiencies in operation May 2014 Mon- Fri (paid)IBS<Value not stated but will include air fare and accommodationlBusiness trip to furnish relationship with IBS and see opportunities for cost savings (no cost to WWL to go)20.05.14Director of HR & OD6Lunch at Carluccio s at Piccadilly Station, ManchesterProspect Business Consulting Meeting to review success/effectiveness of leading in strategic context programme. Prospect Consulting were appointed as partners to co-design and coproduce our LISC programme following a competitive tender.16.04.14Project Director S&P]Hospitality at the British open golf Hoylake on 20.7.14. including access to course and lunchNRelationship Manager Brookson Ltd Brunel House 340 Firecrest court Warrington Estimate 2008This was a last minute offer as Brookson had made the booking and then forgotten about it until immediately before the event. I checked with my line manager beforehand to ensure that this was appropriate to accept. We have a constructive relationship with Brookson and work closely together already to bring savings to the Trust and this was an opportunity to improve the relationship further. It offered an opportunity to engage in a more detailed discussion with Brookson on our new locum engagement model including how to broaden its use to make further savings. 12.08.14DConsultant, Senior Supt Radiographer and Superintendant RadiographerAVisit to London Bridge Hospital to view Equipment on Gamma CameraSiemens MedicalGReturn train to London Euston from Wigan with lunch Value not specifiedyes JProposed supplier of new equipment for replacement of current gamma camera10.10.14Clinical fellow in UrologyInvitation to attend a one day course about the management of erectile dysfunction and prostate cancer including meeting cost and lunch at the Radisson Blue Hotel Manchester AirportIProject Manager Universal World Events Allergan Neurosciences and Urology Not known I accepted this offer because it was a good educational opportunity to update my knowledge about the latest evidence in the management of the over active bladder.Eli Lilly & Co LtdI accepted this offer because it was a good educational opportunity to update my knowledge about the latest evidence in the management of erectile dysfunction and prostate cancer.Invitation to attend a one day course about management of Prostate cancer, prostate cancer UK summit 2014 in London including meeting cost, lunch, non-clinical skills workshop and one night stay in Park Plaza Riverbank Hotel, LondonUMedical Education that Advances Clinical Practice, Janssen-Cilag Ltd. BuckinghamshireI accepted this offer because if twa a good educational opportunity to update my knowledge about the latest evidence in the management of the prostate cancer.14.10.14CEO_Telephone invitation to rugby league grand final including ticket and meal estimated value 150Wigan Warriors RLFCContinuation of excellent partnership between WWL and Wigan Warriors, eg. joint work on sports injuries and medicine, health promotion activities by all players, team coach speaking at WWL leadership seminar, discounted tickets for WWL staff15.10.14Consultant UrologistOvernight accommodation for 1 night in Jury s Inn Liverpool, during national annual conference of British association of urological surgeons, attended as study leave and reclaimed conference fee for 2 days Astellas UK]Offer accepted  reduced study leave cost to the Trust as I was attending the meeting anyway.Consultant Obs & GynaexFlight to Cyprus, 2 nights in 5 star hotel, full board. Visit was to inspect a fertility clinic that offers egg donationThe Fertility Clinic Liverpool 400 - 5009The programme also included lectures and was educational. 20.10.14.Consultant Anaesthetist, ICUTTrain fare to and from Luton to attend the PICC course with overnight accommodation. Teleflex UK )200 travel cost of accommodation unknownAccepted as part of the PICC course organisation, the company booked the train tickets and overnight accommodation and send me the details. 24/10.14.Consultant RheumatologistEducational course ASAS Course Brussels organised by Assessment of Ankylosing spondylitis international Society, including flight travel to venue and stayUCB Pharma Ltd Value unknownEducational event to update about recent advances in ankylosing spondylitis, sero-VE arthritis, spondyloarthropathy including treatments2.10.14.nPresentation to Meda Pharma in lieu of funding to purchase equipment for One Airway Service at Leigh Infirmary Meda Pharma Circa 2000LGift in kind to One Airway service in lieu of personal fee for presentation.1.10.14.RLectures given for Lifecell and Baxter to share experience of using their productsLifecell and BaxterCirca 3000 over 2 yearsMLectures given an on faculties giving experience to others of using products.16.10.141100 Laithwaites wine voucher with thank you cardPatient  no name givenLAccepted as did not know there was a voucher in the card when I accepted it. 31.10.14.Consultant Physician< Attendance at a national non promotional conference for Diabetologists organised by Eli Lilly, 2nd class rail fare and hotel costEli Lilly & Co. Limited.Study leave approved by the Clinical Director.*Rail fare 142.50 Hotel cost approx. 140 {Attendance at Oncotype DX Forum Feb 13 Attendance at Strattice Wet Lab June  Nov 13 Attendance at Baxter Wet lab March 136.11.14. Consultant Breast Surgeon"Oncotype DX Lifecell UK Baxter UK sTravel and accommodation no value stated Euros 1500 and travel and accommodation 1600 and travel and accommodation#To learn aboutnew Oncotype DX test use to assess suitability of breast cancer patients for chemo. Accepted to be on the faculty for training other surgeons in new breast reconstructive technique Accepted to be on the faculty for training other surgeons in new breast reconstructive technique26.11.14'Consultant in obstetric and gynaecologyKHospitality expenses of 2 nights accommodation, 4 meals and local transfersQCovedren Senior regional energy specialist advanced surgical technology Hampshire 375.00 travel and accommodation'Attended training course as part of PDP4.12.14. Project DirectorChristmas lunch 1IHP Vinci Construction Ditton Road Widnes WA8 0PG No comment4.12.14Project coordinatorChristmas lunchMef Project Engineer 4.12.14.` Estates quality manager05.01.15ChairmanBAPIO Conference Dinner:BAPIO, 281 - 285 Bedford Road, Kempston, Bedford, MK42 8QB Approx. 258Invite accepted to promote Equality and Diversity in WWL5.1.15.%head of capital and property servicesn/aConsultant HaematologistOConference Fee, flights, Taxi Fare, 4 nights accommodation including breakfastBayer Public Ltd Co.Approx total 2507I was planning to go to the conference regardless of the offer as it is the most significant annual haematology conference where lots of new trials are reported on along with talks from international experts in the field of haematology.4.2.15.Executive DirectorWeightman s LLPApprox total 60XInvitation to attend the Royal Philharmonic orchestra classics hall of fame on 15.1.15.cInvitation originally offered to CEO and transferred. Weightman s are the current Trust solicitors.13.2.15Consultant PaediatriciangAttendance at 2nd international conference on nutrition of growth 30.1.14 to 1.2.14 in Barcelona, Spain-Eanone Baby Nutrition, Trowbridge WhilstshireeFlight and travel to and from airport 500 Accommodation 182 Conference registration 300 Meals 114\Useful conference for paediatricians/neonatologists and a chance to update knowledge on current trends on research for growth nutrition. A presentation by the company to all sponsored attendees was given on day 1 about launch of a new hydrolysed preterm formula. This has not been used locally so far and are unlikely to do so in the near future.16.3.15.Consultant Urological Surgeon;Attendance at education course advanced biosurgery workshopBProfessional education Event Team Johnson and Johnson Medical Ltd.zFlight to Hamburg by Ethicon, standard class, overnight accommodation, food and course materials  total value not stated.Accepted as this is an educational course in advanced urological laparascopy. It is my subspecialist area of practice and is highly relevant and likely to be of benefit tomy education. Clinical practice and care of my patients25.3.15.)Consultant Obstetrician and GynaecologistKPresentation fees for BIDA meeting on the management of over active bladderAstellas pharma Ltd350 for the talks I was asked by Astella to present at a meeting on the management of the over active bladder. the talks were in the evening  no cancellation of clinical activity was made.I presented 4 talks on 10.9.14, 22.9.14, 1`.10.14 and 19.11.14. These have been in my SPA time or in the evening and have not cancelled any clinical activity to present. 350 for each talk. (4 in total)6Pfizer UK Walton Oaks, Dorking Road, Tadworth, Surrey Pfizer requested presentation to local GPs on the management of the over active bladder but I also advertise our service at the Hanover unit to local GPs. Obstetrician;Invitation to Master class on pelvic floor health in Dublin'Pfizer personal visit by representative&689.00 Flight accommodation and food Yes 4.3.15.nNo conflict of interest as the products of the company who made the offer are already being used in the Trust.=Offered honorarium for delivery of an educational talk to GPsSpeciality European Pharma300 but not yet paid Yes 16.2.15jNo conflict of interest as the products of the company who made offer are already being used in the Trust.17.4.15.EInvitation to take part in national advisory board on anticoagulationBayer Healthcare Yes 16.4.15.This is an opportunity to share my local expertise with other Consultants across the country and share good practice advice and how we would like to see anticoagulation developed in the future, promoting safer more effective patient centred care. Annual leave has been taken.Honorarium of 1000 1 night hotel stay 150 Return standard rail tickets ~70 Meal night before event and food/refreshments during the day of the event ~706.7.15.200 contribution to conference fees to attend national conference (BAUS) for education (total cost of conference fees 310). Fees paid in full by myself upfront.Astrellas Pharma LtdThis is an education meeting which I had intended to attend. Money offered as an education grant to help with attendance with no restriction to offer part of the conference fees.20.7.157100 cash placed into a thank you letter from a patientPatient TGift accepted and acknowledged by letter to patient. The gift will be used for CPD. Yes,000 towards flights, hotel and subsistence at ICS meeting Montreal (Educational sponsorship) via e mailIGift accepted to fulfil personal CPD using educational sponsorship offer.8.9.15.Urology Nurse SpecialistSponsorship via Email to cover cost of flights and hotel for the conference in Montreal presenting an abstract Educational sponsorship)In order to be able to travel to MontrealSponsorship to cover cost of flights and hotel for international continence society meeting in Montreal where I will be presenting an abstract. Educational sponsorship/Unable to travel to present without assistance.5.10.15.Offer via email for Accommodation and meals and 40p a mile travel to attend the Paediatric Clinical Research Forum discussing high flow oxygen delivery systemsQFisher & Paykel Healthcare 16 Cordwallis Park, Clivemount Road, Maidenhead, BerksQ205 for accommodation and meals (=VAT) 40p a mile for travel costs using own car`To hear about latest evidence on use of high flow oxygen delivery systems as they seem to be used increasingly and w have such systems in use in both the paediatric and neonatal units. The Paediatric unit has already got Optiflow systems which is a product supplied by Fisher & Paykel. The system we use on the neonatal unit (Vapotherm) is different. 16.12.15.Head of Business Intelligence%Ticket and hospitality at HSJ awards #Head of Marketing and Comms NHS SBSAuthorised by line manager Associate Director of Finance as offer was to WWL team who were finalists for an HSJ award (best acute innovation). The team were working in partnership with NHS SBS to the commercialisation of the teams BI applications. Opportunity to promote the working partnership. WWL currently pay SBS for their finance< and accounting service and are looking to partner BI applications under HealthIntell.16.12.15+Deputy Directorate Manager unscheduled care17.12.15BI Development ManagerSenior Intelligence Analyst 15.12.15.Consultant Respiratory MedicinenInvitation to the national TB strategy meeting organised by public health England and British Thoracic SocietyZCEO British Thoracic Society, Tavistock Square London and Qiagen GMbH L0724 Hilden Germany Not givencEducational Event. The venue meeting was sponsored but the meeting was not regulated by Qiagen GmbH18.12.15!Consultant in Palliative Medicine+Request to speak at RCP Study day July 2015Conference Organiser RCP LondonCAccommodation 1 night in London 176.40p plus First class rail fare$Study leave applied for and approved21.12.15.Bottle of Dom Perignon champagne vintage 2006 Approximate value 120Gift from patient 31.12.15Estates Manager<Personal visit offering an Xpelair Terrain 3 band site radioEdmondson Electrical WiganApprox. value 100Several radios were issued to Edmondson Elec. from Xpelair these have then been donated to key companies that use Edmondson Elec. One was issued to Leigh Infirmary Estates Dept. The radio will be put into a free draw for estates staff as a gesture of good will and small morale booster for staff. Edmondson Electrical provide some electrical components and spares to the Trust Estate Department.21.1.16.Consultant T&OInvitation to Lecture at Watanabe shoulder Arthroscopy Course November 2015. Annual leave booked and authorised by line manager#Smith and Nephew York Business ParkTotal value 623/Offer accepted as this was an educational event12.2.16.&Project Director Strategy and PlanningYInvitation to fund attendance at an award ceremony relating to Phase 1 being short listed'Vinci Construction Dilllon road, Widnes75 for accommodationThis offer has been accepted as project director for the development. This offers an ideal opportunity to promote the success of the Trust and this award would be an ideal opportunity to do so.16.2.16.%Head of Capital and Property ServicesThis offer has been accepted to attend the award ceremony in the evening on behalf of the Trust following discussion with D Evans and C KnightsConsultant RadiologistuEmail invitation to attend ultrasound workshop on 9.3.16 includes travel, overnight accommodation and welcome dinner.KTo extend knowledge of new biopsy technique with a view to utilising in WWL'Bard Ltd Forest House Crawley W Sussex "Clinical Specialist Breast ImagingtEmail invitation to attend ultrasound workshop on 9.3.16 includes travel, overnight accommodation and welcome dinner&Bard Ltd Forest House Crawley W Sussex03.03.16 Chaplin Sick call set5A grateful relative following the death of his father4Approx. 80 new (the set in question is second hand)The donor no longer had need of it and wanted it to be put to good use. This was a thank you for support given to the gentleman during his bereavement22.3.16."Senior Operational Estates Manager@Tickets to LABC Award Ceremony including overnigh Accommodation.*Vinci Construction Ltd Ditton Road, WidnesTicket 75 plus accommodationpLABC Award ceremony is for the new build phase 1 at Wrightington Hospital to which I was part of the design team13.04.16Surgical consultantQ Medical Technologies Ltd Approx. 500Attendance at the Symposium is for personal educational and development purposes learning from which can then be used for the Trust benefit. The event is being run by Q-Medical so there is no other way of attending this.AAttendance at the International Symposium of Reconstructive Surgery in Lisbon (16.06.16  17.06.16) organised and sponsored by Q-Medical. Standard class travel and accommodation sponsored by Q-Medical. An application for study leave has been submitted  no expenses will be claimed from the Trust. Offer made by letter.Occupational TherapistJGift cards offered by patient and patients family during a community visit9Patient and relatives of patient during a community visitNa.#Head of Capital & Property Services^Invitation to a  Casino Showboat Evening on 1st July 2016 with champagne reception and buffetVinci Construction 200 approx.09.05.16Associate Director of E&FVinci Construction27.05.16Estates Supervisor!An afternoon clay pigeon shootingEdmundson Electrical Approx. 5008.06.16 Head of BI>A seat at HSJ Value Awards held in Manchester on 24th May 2016QlikThe work the Trust was nominated for was using Qlik s product (Qlikview) so offer was made by Qlik to recognise that and to attend the awards as two organisations. Trust has used Qlikview (provided by Qlik) for last 5-6 years10.06.16Director of Workforce6Invitation to the HPMA Awards dinner on 30th June 2016Hempsons SolicitorsSNa. Hempsons awarded legal services contract with the Trust effective from 01.07.1613.06.16&Deputy Directorate Manager in MedicineBA seat at the HSJ Value Awards held at Manchester on 24th May 2016The work the Trust was nominated for was using Qlik s product (Qlikview) so offer was made by Qlik to recognise that and to attend the awards as two organisations Trust has used Qlikview (provided by Qlik) for last 5-6 yearsDA seat at HSJ Value Awards held at Manchester Central on 24 May 2016QlikTech UK Ltd28.06.16 RadiographerReturn train travel to Glasgow (standard class) to view gamma camera that the Trust is purchasing and to learn how to use the equipmentSiemans Healthcare LtdITo see the equipment in use at a hospital with a patient group like WWL sRadiology consultant24.08.16vInvitation to the Annual Healthcare Estates IHEEM Awards Dinner on Tuesday 4th October at the Mercure Hotel ManchesterCruden Group Ltd100.00 approx.Na  not accepted.Estates OfficerNa  not accepted30.08.16)Compliance Lead in Corporate / GovernancenInvitation to attend the Allocate Annual User Conference at the ICC in Birmingham on the 13th and 14th OctoberAllocateIt is a free place and the Trust is putting itself forward for awards at the event.The Trust uses the Healthassure / CQC assure software.15.09.16Consultant in MedicineA tie in a gift box Likely to be under 50Rationale not offered19.09.16Project DirectorVisit to the Johnson and Johnson clinical simulation facility in Raynham, Massachusetts. Offer includes business class flights and hotel accommodation 5Johnson and Johnson Medical Devices in September 2016 Approx. 3500The acceptance of the offer was as part of the work required to plan the new research and education centre development in Wrightington.There will be a number of legal documents between the Trust and Johnson & Johnson requiring agreement to deliver this project. All of these will be subject to the approval of the business case for the new development. Acceptance does not compromise this process. The visit will be in Trust time and has been approved by line manager.23.09.16!Director of Strategy and PlanningVisit to the Johnson and Johnson< clinical simulation facility in Raynham, Massachusetts. Offer includes business class flights and hotel accommodation (19th  21st October)\Invitation to attend the Building Better Healthcare Awards in London on 2nd November 2016. >Yes. Authorisation to attend has been given from line managerThe offer has been accepted as Wrightington Phase 1 has been entered in two categories. This was a joint Trust submission with VINCI construction26.09.16$Johnson and Johnson Medical Devices The acceptance of the offer was as part of the work required to plan the new research and education centre development in Wrightington. There will be a number of legal documents between the Trust and Johnson & Johnson requiring agreement to deliver this project. All of these will be subject to the approval of the business case for the new development. Acceptance does not compromise this process. The visit will be in Trust time and has been approved by line manager.27.09.1620.10.1624.10.16&Project Manager, Planning and Strategy192.00 for overnight stay 16.11.16[Train ticket and subsistence to inspect equipment prior to capital purchase of a CT ScannerSiemens Healthcare Ltd 300 approxYes. UApproved by line manager as part of consideration prior to purchasing new CT Scanner.NHS NW Procurement DevelopmentcAttendance, travel and accommodation to attend MEAT Value Based Procurement Conference in Brussels.Medtech Europe 500 approxApproved by line manager as work is in line with objectives of current project with Innovation Agency and University of Liverpool.11.11.16"Consultant in respiratory medicine9Fee for speaking at a training event organised by Pfizer. Pfizer Ltd$Event took place outside of WWL timen ܈z9S3ߍ}SO6K - A Z!7Hf !YӮVد[S  *4оS9U@D lZ8  ^ UY}~k;v%`ccB g2 `  dMbP?_*+%,&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?M\\wlprdrpsin01\FollowYouE6A-B1  4dXX鯽iGxTr0 :;?o%)_.i `p$I[O'yn aVcFUOc@!34{e[v"zS+ֳ/m+& AB+?,yOȸ#8Lf@rdK1zs-oxjA %ǒޗjzRf9-}2jsI['-+NjTz]d`pw=7, FzwdJRxSa<K I( a[5⼍Eda?5!ZY+Fϩ7hF @nfBɞHأ2["}I'5SZY}%ܖr]j/Td0iDE@e #|G'0a{l'`Cy|%GlejÀ1Q'KU]f+l_b`.@)2aw^-R$"R'KF(dU*󵦱Dqⓢe()]]n C "'B^_]^1^ ^_Y&DbAox 0EdBn܉d&⿛snfɕt+#ѱ1ON ޑ1ˋz "+R RhB.} /<^ITխ%rHK4uK~I0xM e`|X}đ I`߽N4aG2$RKIZ)4(M9`ctB{m:f@`3n|O,ܗr޾jxR0T ,0@}WBLǬ5vPK!䐵drs/shapexml.xmlXKo8/aOZ+7rѤHz( ɢDD)RKNVE',H|ΐ<{l+گ] #) za8>,W[Jl(^#gty q2 L. &0bE.)Ǧ\1vxfn;3(UoߚCėJIs1ʨ̍u D Mɑ _3TcDQm=_K\Ѡ0UUQf0~wvίJ&I \gtOTxvjR.qѭ}SR^I\8u.[S1o] LM}@T71-Y7WԒSy@mZUAA`h@Y?;ِ~7Cj,fhU |PT㜂Iljc8ƨK݁Yvusuzn~t^ uW5]|5X4"V\ڙ"]ŝx>2s??N~+ E$2VPGhFlިZSp!7!PێGF+ypmoPK!hl#drs/downrev.xml\_O0M5M:FF).1{mƷH0{ί=O]rAQFXY H^YbGf!1~!FzQ(}]nPxp]8T ߩB[3rwCҷ(KKU3TW.~<ZB2ç+m)LBS͌(;sg5qnSVu^$N4HQD@`ւ''o7 [g8PK-![Content_Types].xmlPK-!1_a ._rels/.relsPK-!䐵)drs/shapexml.xmlPK-!hl#drs/downrev.xmlPKF ]` Vh<W Wrightington, Wigan & Leigh NHS Foundation Trust Gifts & Hospitality Registers<h      6 7 8T ?& A Mt Vx  s >A??Picture 3 0 ` ]&`>@  ggD g2 %.  dMbP?_*+%,&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?M\\wlprdrpsin01\FollowYouE6A-B1  4dXX鯽iGxTr0 :;?o%)_.i `p$I[O'yn aVcFUOc@!34{e[v"zS+ֳ/m+& AB+?,yOȸ#8Lf@rdK1zs-oxjA %ǒޗjzRf9-}2jsI['-+NjTz]d`pw=7, FzwdJRxSa<K I( a[5⼍Eda?5!ZY+Fϩ7hF @nfBɞHأ2["}I'5SZY}%ܖr]j/Td0iDE@e #|G'0a{l'`Cy|%GlejÀ1Q'KU]f+l_b`.@)2aw^-R$"R'KF(dU*󵦱Dqⓢe()]]n C "'B^_]^1^ ^_Y&DbAox 0EdBn܉d&⿛snfɕt+#ѱ1>>>> ~ A? 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