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Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium2PivotStyleLight16`DSheet1cSheet3,8<Error alert for mismatch in Total versus individual spends-> CategoriesActual spend FY 2015-16Actual spend FY 2016-17Projected spend FY 2017-18Rev ()Cap ()&Total IT spend (A + B + C + D + E + F)ATotal organisational spend on software (clinical and business related software, office and admin software including licences but excluding implementation and support) Comments:B5Total organisational spend on IT services and supportC[Total organisational spend on in-house IM&T staff (excluding spend on outsourcing services)D&Total organisational spend on hardwareE-Total organisational spend on communications FOther ICT spend (this will include ICT spend which is not captured in above mentioned categories, like other ICT charges, costs related to running services for other NHS bodies, Medical devices, POC testing, etc.)B & E are just the non pay costs as the pay cost are included in C. F revenue costs - we would have to create the data so are exempt from providingexemptDEFINITIONS: All capital expenditure represent either an asset or liability and are shown in the balance sheet. These typically include expenses for fixed assetssuch as land, building, plant and machinery or making improvements to fixed assets. Allrevenue expenditurehas to be deducted from the income earned by the firm. These are typically expenditures incurred for meeting day to day expenses of carrying on a business e.g., salaries, rent, rates, taxes, stationery etc. %INSTRUCTIONS - Please provide total IT spend and detail how the total IT spend levels (for each of the financial years 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18), broken down by categories provided in the table below. - Please populate capital or revenue expenditure under the respective headings in cells highlighted in yellow - Enter 0 in case the trust has no spend for that category - Please ensure "Total IT spend" figures match with sum total of figures in A,B,C,D,E and F" #6$>%B#"v< Q=>BBccB g2ɀ X1c  dMbP?_*+%,&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?M\\wlprdrpsin03\FollowYou51C-C8  4dXXt7ՎTFxTr0 :;?o%)_.i `p$o>#{5[UU n^OPmhЈc9݃tNc4dZ6*5BC(Dq*e|GP=A Bn2e?].a]˫mpѪqhF!ŦܗK{_fCI-RP [&>QnXIzT"Ի$ $ 6CH9暅!!*q S*&yG  րP~X ҴGaEn͊s0h!dPw9?F51f yq4GtR3yaR+ﲔRε~8?3mY ]???????????] CDTE>$X%  Err, pl check BTE>$%%  Err, pl check BETE >$%%  Err, pl check BTE>$%%  Err, pl check BETE>$%%  Err, pl check BT E>$ %%  Err, pl check B  ?] FG H IJ H IJ H  I?] KL M MN M MN M  M  ?] O P#Q55UA % #QjPA % R#QjWA % #Q4IA % R#QWA % # Q(JA %   @] S T U(AUp4 AVUDU%@VUnEU1'A  ?  ^ W X Y@YVYG@YVYu@Y  ?  _ S TUZY:AVUPMAY;AVU6}Yh57A  ?` W X Y$AY A V Y&AY-A V Yc3Y*A ?` S Z U@AY V UzAY V U01AY ?` W [ Y~ Y3:A \ Y~ YA \ Y~ YA ?a  ???????????A  ???????????? 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