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It is known that WhatsApp messenger service is used throughout the Trust; the Trust does not wish to hinder your ability to treat patients in a safe and effective way however we must acknowledge that there are risks around this form of communication. Therefore this document sets out a standard of principles that we expect you to follow when using this service. Best Practice If you are required to share an image of an injury, x-ray etc. please ensure that the patient isnt identifiable in any way, you should also advise the patient of what you are doing, as there should be no surprises in regards to how we communicate patient information. You should also ensure that the person you are sending the image to is expecting the image any sharing of images should be pre-empted with a phone call, it is at that point that patient identifiers are share and a followed up with a phone call if additional discussion around treatment is required. A record of the conversation (and image where possible) should be documented within the patient records. Any images that are shared between you and another member of staff on WhatsApp in regards to patient care should not be saved to the phones photo gallery, below is an explanation as to what you need to so to turn off this setting. Please note: If an image does default to you gallery it is your responsibility to ensure that this photo is deleted. You should also regularly delete any chat history that you have in regards to patients such as you would do with your email inbox How to stop saving WhatsApp media to phone gallery? IPhone Users Within settings for each chat settings staff should ensure that Save to Media Camera Roll is set to Never Android Users When you download a media in WhatsApp, it will be automatically saved to your phone gallery. However, you can stop the media from being displayed in your phone's gallery. To do so, you will need to create a .nomedia file in the WhatsApp images folder. Note: this will hide all of your WhatsApp photos from the gallery. First, you will need to have a file explorer. You can download a file explorer from the  HYPERLINK "https://play.google.com/store/search?q=file+manager+or+file+explorer&c=apps" Google Play Store. After downloading a file explorer, you will need to browse to WhatsApp/Media/WhatsApp Images/ and create a file named .nomedia (the period is necessary). If you wish to view your photos in the gallery later, simply delete the .nomedia file. BlackBerry Users WhatsApps will be withdrawn from BlackBerrys at the end of the year, therefore users are advised to use this at their own discretion. Windows Phone Users To disable media from saving in your Photos app, go to WhatsApp > more > settings > chats and calls > Save incoming media. If you disable safe incoming media, your media files will only be available in your WhatsApp chats. These files will be removed when you reinstall WhatsApp and you will not be able to transfer them to a new device if needed. If you device isnt identified above please visit  HYPERLINK "https://faq.whatsapp.com/?lang=en_UK" https://faq.whatsapp.com/?lang=en_UK for additional support If you require any further advice and guidance please contact the Information Governance Department     Pg PAGE 2  your hospitals, your health, our priority IG 02.11.2017 $%& õ}obUHb;H.hTY)h&_OJQJ^JhTY)h2VFOJQJ^JhTY)h3GOJQJ^JhTY)heOJQJ^JhTY)hdh-OJQJ^JhTY)h3G5OJQJ^JhTY)hO5OJQJ^JhTY)hh5OJQJ^JhTY)h%5OJQJ^JhTY)hB5OJQJ^JhTY)h5OJQJ^J:hTY)h 56B*CJ$OJQJ]^JaJ$nH phtH hahACJ aJ mH sH hs5CJOJQJ^JaJ&' | }   569gd1& 0x`0gd/_9 & F0x`0gd/_xgddh-xgdh $xa$gdB$a$gdBgd%!Ggds    ' 1 T ^ { | } x - 2 3 7 j ̿̋~pcccV̿hTY)hOJQJ^JhTY)hQ@kOJQJ^JhTY)h3G5OJQJ^JhTY)hc_OJQJ^JhTY)hdh-OJQJ^JhTY)heOJQJ^JhTY)h OJQJ^JhTY)h2VFOJQJ^JhTY)h/_OJQJ^JhTY)hOJQJ^JhTY)h3GOJQJ^JhTY)h&_OJQJ^JhTY)hBOJQJ^J!   45SX^n_󿲿̊oahTY)h2VF5OJQJ^J4hTY)hB*CJOJQJ\^JaJmH ph333sH hTY)h5OJQJ^JhTY)h+{IOJQJ^JhTY)hBOJQJ^JhTY)heOJQJ^JhTY)h1&OJQJ^JhTY)hj2OJQJ^JhTY)hP^IOJQJ^JhTY)hOJQJ^JhTY)hOJQJ^J!23AH9:LMG^gd $a$gdxgd d 0x`0gd/_9 & F0x`0gd/_9gdj2,2A=ARU23DEH9:㻦lP;)hTY)hB*OJQJ^JmH phsH 6jhTY)h0JB*OJQJU^JmH phsH -hTY)h0JB*OJQJ^JmH phsH hjhU-hTY)h0J;B*OJQJ^JmH ph(((sH )hTY)hB*OJQJ^JmH ph(((sH hTY)h5OJQJ^JhTY)h|*OJQJ^JhTY)hOJQJ^JhTY)h|*5OJQJ^JhTY)h5OJQJ^J:LM"*-14<?NQdfuzz{両xaYUYhjhU-hTY)h2VF0J;B*OJQJ^JmH ph(((sH 'h2VF0J;B*OJQJ^JmH ph(((sH )hTY)h2VFB*OJQJ^JmH ph(((sH -hTY)hB0J;B*OJQJ^JmH ph(((sH )hTY)hBB*OJQJ^JmH ph(((sH h2VFOJQJ^JhTY)h2VFOJQJ^JhTY)hBOJQJ^JhTY)hB5OJQJ^JGHQRSUVXY[\^_`apqstuv$L]`La$gd%Agd  r %gdS$$a$xgd dPRSTVWYZ\]_`ace~~~~ieVD#hhh06CJOJQJ^JaJh06CJOJQJ^JaJh)huh0B*CJOJQJ^JaJphhBjhBUhTY)h/_OJQJ^J)hTY)h B*OJQJ^JmH ph(((sH )hTY)h/_B*OJQJ^JmH ph(((sH )hTY)hBB*OJQJ^JmH ph(((sH -jhTY)h0JOJQJU^JmH sH $hTY)hB0JOJQJ^JmH sH eflmnopqrstv窦sW>+%hqCJOJQJ^JaJmHnHu1h05B* CJOJQJ^JaJ,mHnHphpu7h%Ah05B* CJOJQJ^JaJ,mHnHphpu1h%A5B* CJOJQJ^JaJ,mHnHphpu hh%$jh{PvhTY)UmHnHtH uh#hhh06CJOJQJ^JaJ,h %0J6CJOJQJ^JaJmHnHu'hhh00J6CJOJQJ^JaJ0jhhh00J6CJOJQJU^JaJhTY)h/_OJQJ^JhBh hqhqCJOJQJ^JaJ+hqhqCJOJQJ^JaJmHnHuxgd d L]`LgdqE 000P&P :p. 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