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Please identify the source how you recruit nurses?Recruitment SourceAbroad % from sourceDirectly YourselfFramework Provider!Non-framework Recruitment Company-HEE (including via Global Learners Programme)w7. For nurses joining from outside the EU, please detail what is offered in your package and how much you pay for this? Nurse Package How Much ())Payment for IELTS or OET Training CoursesPayment for IELT ExamPayment for OET ExamPayment for CBT TrainingPayment for CBT ExamNMC Application FeeDBS Visa (nurse)5Payment for IELTS UKVI if OET taken (needed for visa)Visa (Dependents)Immigrations Skills ChargeHealth Surcharge Flight to UK/Emergency Return Flight(personal circumstances)&Transfer from Airport to Accommodation1 Month Accommodation3 Month Accommodation>3 Months Accommodation Access to Hospital Accommodation Food VouchersOther Re-location AllowanceIncluded Yes/NoG1. Please complete the table showing, permanent, Agency and nurse gaps.Q8. Please provide details of anything else you provide not included in the above.19. What fee do you pay for recruitment per nurse?6(Please do not include any of the fees outlined above)410. DO you have an in-house OSCE Training Programme?YesNo811. How many places do you have on your OSCE Programme? (Number)&13. Do you vet documentation yourself?1If you do not do your own vetting, who does this?814. Do you have a health declaration form to complete? :15. Please provide a copy of your Health Declaration Form.\16. When a nurse joins your Trust, having not cleared OSCE, what is the payment start point?Please tick belowPointBand 3Band 4Tick payment that applies2Do the following London Weightings and caps apply? WeightingCap Inner (20%) Outer (15%) Fringe (5%)A17. Which recruitment agencies have you used in the last 3 years?>18. At what point do you interview nurses and make job offers?Please tick level below.IELTSOETB<6.0C+CD519. Have you done any in-country interviews in India?C20. If yes, please identify where? If other, please list locations.Cochin TrivundrumChennai BangaloreMumbaiKolkataDelhi?21. Have you done any in-country interviews in the Philipinnes?If yes, please identify where?$22. Do you conduct Skype interviews?,23. How quick do you turn around job offers?(Hours)T24. From your overseas nurse recruitment, how many have left in the last 12 months? (number)+Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) in IndiaW12. What is the average length it takes before a nurse passes OSCE from arriving in UK?Kottayam HyderabadW4. What was your total nursing agency spend Jan 2017 to Dec 2017 inclusive? 885,295.12Ln/aDAYS NIGHTS / SATSUN / BHS96.78 fte vacant establishment for Registered Nursing and Midwifery as at 28 Feb 18-N/A N/A171195461514710(weeks)9 :#k;;~6==>b'@ANBC C' TD E F! $G OG ccB g2ɀ $yfkry~݄  dMbP?_*+%,&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?M\\WWLXerPS2\Xerox_Follow_You0C 4dXXA4 (210 x 297 mm)DINU"D~SMTJXerox PullPrn PCL6 V4.0.548.8.0RESDLLUniresDLLXrxTrueTypeFontDlOptionTTF_DOWNLOAD_AS_TRUETYPEXrxEdgeToEdgeEDGE_TO_EDGE_OFFColorMode24bppXrxHalftoneXRX_NORMAL_HTXEROX_JOB_SETUP_BEGINCBXEROX_JOB_SETUP_ENDCBXEROX_DOC_BEGINCBXEROX_DOC_SETUP_ENDCBXEROX_PAGE_SETUP_BEGINCBXEROX_PAGE_SETUP_ENDCBXEROX_PAGE_FINISH_BEGINCBXEROX_PAGE_FINISH_ENDCBXEROX_DOC_FINISH_BEGINCBXEROX_DOC_FINISH_ENDCBXEROX_JOB_FINISH_BEGINCBXEROX_JOB_FINISH_ENDCBOrientationPORTRAITCollateONDuplexVERTICALResolutionRes600x600PaperSizeA4D1NRX jע(   MSCFe,90R(//Uncompressed-Data//k (CKZklTUJni!>P?}P6شAP-}@1(F#C>W\J+ FH4&&&UvmunNwg93nY:_NeI6L$2XW[md DžLtsWv8$Zc4;a tf_oGGX@ǟB:8϶u ٷslT@wD^TbK]YsXs 2>s㈞;>D-0qoнx#Lwdtt_)^DoL0?+B:5N˧e(Bi[ی[ۦ6Sfk_͡i. ~'N*u':޽j3zAkKکZRn3.XM8 1]v_Q'PboiMEdl4E,t^0n R CP)zn,ظ|-.aW2R C!u886O}>Rκ '5(2Aq}0)MPܟ(;8NJS>SbV~n$ݯj::C}d8Hd]c0֊װޣqU(~ $f n3+@g&UYpƪʾws~C;JD0aXoa eb]GVpچUlR.#h C1]AJWĹ_JS4aQi ќ^+h9ՁC| +c~f'3,/J﷒Ǚ>%/*xeWɫygWU*KyLW^[^PV"Gǩ qU_Ջvig|\cp<"^K0v5vՒyq* \A̸Pd^3WtLb2jVU͈./h baI8!Y(u(1:DqCCϬC:RhgVסI!uHy eu!ߐ:DqC !uT(Nuh\H [:4>CdqJ C̫ &>uhjHb^Rq(.u:t*0C/˅hke.c<`^k4h&2 0&W/ K & ΁tN{ vpawvџ4pK ⱥ!+[ 1wkcLv'ڂdxi{ممn[[8pή$x^^aMκ-n4ܖ#(13[2IM˷VXnYcXlm/px˼lmeGa,Ʋ :-c1ȦO k]muFl-}ȗ`}g9ryjqFf-:#/іfUg)*ryZtF-Wo /ظ__+3CZmvn,ܖKpBXlY!+AkMA9"k j)9XSPF`MAm2jp[[D ўoc+ &&B|d8,3< \8¡S6A:$ TX5([T*?^ED6#V+{{O\8.}ى ?6㷋GH~mr,iflr~>KwP{n^Xlwo>6{V@X?@ E ? ?!F !? !? 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