National Inclusion Week 2022

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National Inclusion Week (NIW) is a week dedicated to celebrating inclusion and taking action to create inclusive workplaces. Founded by Inclusive Employers, National Inclusion Week is now in its 10th year.

Last year’s National Inclusion Week theme, #UnitedForInclusion, connected 60 million of you to celebrate diversity and inclusion.

For National Inclusion Week 2022 the aim is to progress that unity to become action, which is why this year’s National Inclusion Week theme is ‘Time to Act: The Power of Now’.

What is inclusion and why is workplace inclusion important?

Simply put, inclusion in the workplace is about ensuring that everyone feels valued and respected as an individual.

We are encouraging our colleagues to get involved during the week, here are some ideas:

  • Share what your service is doing to make them more inclusive
  • Reach out and connect with colleagues face to face or using #WWLWhoAmI on social media
  • Make a pledge
  • Individually or as a team take part in the NIW Daily Actions

National Inclusion Week Daily Actions

For every day of National Inclusion Week, Inclusive Employers have created Daily Actions that bring the Time to Act: The Power of Now theme to life. 

You can share your Daily Action activity on social media using the hashtags #WWLEDI #ThePowerOfNow and #NationalInclusionWeek2022 to share and inspire others with your involvement.

Monday 26 September: The Power of Identity – Share who you are

  • Everyone can show solidarity and support for those around us, particularly those from marginalised groups, by sharing aspects of our own identity.
  • Small acts, such as sharing your pronouns, can make others’ lives easier and help them to feel included. Seeing one person do this can mean so much, imagine the power of a whole workplace.
  • This Daily Action encourages us to take small steps in sharing our own identity that provide long-term impact for others around us, and ultimately the inclusive culture of our organisation.

Tuesday 27 September: The Power of Connection – Reach out

  • Over the last two years most organisations have had to change how they work in some way. The impact of Covid-19 has led to more working from home, more flexible working, more virtual communication and less face-to-face time. People in all roles, all organisations, all sectors are busier than ever as companies have been faced with impact to budgets and resource. All leading to less time and opportunity for real human connection.
  • This Daily Action encourages people to reach out and connect with their colleagues, across teams, departments offices and even the globe. Take a moment to make a connection.

Wednesday 28 September: The Power of Recognition: Empower your colleagues

  • Think of a time when someone has recognised something you have done and acknowledged it; it feels amazing doesn’t it? Even small acts of recognition can give people a lift and empower them in that moment.
  • Today is about recognising your colleagues. From small everyday acts of kindness that may have previously not been acknowledged to bigger action like those in formal roles such as EDI Champions, or staff networks.
  • This Daily Action will encourage you to identify and empower those people around you that are contributing to creating inclusive cultures in workplaces everyday.

Thursday 29 September: The Power of a Diverse Network – Expand your circle

  • As people, we operate within many different networks. These networks influence our perspectives, beliefs and ideas. Usually, we form our networks around shared experience, where we work, where we live, shared interests, etc. As a result, our networks are often made up of people ‘most like us.’
  • Consider the power of having a more diverse network, both personally and professionally.
  • This Daily Action provides guidance around simple, small changes you can make to diversify your perspective and understanding of experiences that you might not have been exposed to before.

Friday 30 September: The Power of Knowledge – Take ownership of your learning

  • In the past there has been reliance on those with lived experience to do the educating, the awareness raising, the calling to action. Now is the time for everyone to act, to understand the role they have to play in creating more inclusive cultures, both in the workplace and outside.
  • It is impossible for everyone to know everything, but we can all be better. Is there are topic you shy away from because you don’t understand it enough? Or you worry about saying the wrong thing or using the wrong language? Unless you acknowledge these areas for growth and do something about them, nothing will change.
  • Today’s Daily Action will provide you tools to acknowledge your own gaps in knowledge are and provide practical steps to improve them.

Saturday 1 October: The Power of Allyship – Be an active ally

  • Being an ally every day is important, in both your personal life and in the workplace. Regardless of what position you hold in your organisation, you can be an active inclusion ally for those around you.
  • By better understanding the struggle and oppression that others face, you can learn and change. By supporting people in the workplace through allyship, you can work towards creating a safer space for everyone.
  • This Daily Action will give you information on the types of allyship and practical guidance on how you can be an ally for those around you, starting right now.

Sunday 2 October: The Power of Commitment – Make your pledge

  • Inclusion is not just something to focus on for one day or one week, it is a something that needs long term commitment and action.
  • The last day of National Inclusion Week 2022 is time for reflection and an opportunity to commit to action for the future. What do you want to improve over the next 12 months both individually and as an organisation?
  • This Daily Action allows you to reflect on the last week, what have you learnt? What have you found most valuable? What do you know you or your organisation could be doing better?
  • It is Time to act. Make a pledge to show how you and your organisation will continue to make progress towards inclusion over the next 12 months.
  • Share your pledge publicly and make sure you have a plan so you can be accountable for progress (even if it’s just with yourself). What will the Power of Now be for you and your organisation in another 12 months?