Our Workforce Equality Objectives 2021-25
4. Delivery of the in-year actions as defined by the following programmes:
Our Equality Objectives 2016-2020
In April 2012 as required by the Public Sector Equality Duty (Equality Act 2010), WWL set 4 Equality Objectives. WWL has now completed its progress towards these objectives and has set 4 new equality objectives for 2016-2020. In determining our equality objectives, we reviewed local and national data, patient feedback, complaints analysis, staff survey results and aspects for service delivery that present a local challenge. It was noted that our initial proposed equality objectives were very broad, they were not outcome focused from the analysis of the experience of particular protected groups and were not measurable.
The following equality objectives were agreed:
1. We will work together with the local Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Trans (LGBT) community to improve and expand the quality of the information, knowledge and understanding we have about our LGBT service users. We will ensure their experience of our services is improved by being more responsive to their needs
2. We will ensure that our patients are communicated with in a manner that is appropriate to their specific needs. We will identify how patients prefer us to communicate with them from the earliest point of contact. Our objective will be to ensure that every time we communicate with them, that we used their preferred format.
3. We will work to reduce inequalities experienced by staff and applicants from a black and minority (BME) ethnic background so as to improve the engagement and experience of BME staff within the workplace.
4. We will equip Trust Managers to proactively manage inclusion and diversity within their teams so that staff work in an equal, diverse and inclusive environment regardless of their equality group.