The safeguarding of vulnerable children and adults is everyone’s responsibility, on this page you will be introduced to WWL’s ‘Think Family’ Safeguarding team and given practical advice if you are worried about a child or adult.
WWL’s values are to ensure that staff and services are safe, effective, and caring. WWL have a dedicated team of safeguarding specialists to ensure that staff, patients, and visitors are supported in guaranteeing that vulnerable children and adults are safeguarded effectively, and that we adhere to our trust vision of making a positive difference to peoples lives.
WWL operate a ‘Think Family’ safeguarding model which ensures that we consider the needs of all family members to enable us to provide safe and effective care. Our team is structure is below:
- Safeguarding Children
Child abuse is when a child is intentionally or unintentionally harmed by an adult or peer. Child abuse can be sustained or one-off event. It can be physical, sexual, or emotional and it may happen in person or online. It can also be a lack of love, care and attention which is classed as neglect.
Physical Abuse
Physical abuse is the name given to the act of physically hurting, injuring, or harming a child. Physical Abuse may be caused by hitting, slapping, kicking, shaking, biting or any other physical act that harms a child or young person.
Emotional Abuse
Emotional abuse is any abuse which impact the emotional health and well-being of a child or young person. Emotional abuse can take many forms such as humiliating, scaring, manipulating a child or young person, or exposing a child or young person to harmful situations such as domestic violence or substance misuse.
Neglect is an umbrella term for the failure to meet a child’s basic needs.
This could be:
- Physical- such as clothing, food, and safety.
- Emotional- Such as lack of care, nurture, or stimulation.
- Educational- A child not being provided with adequate, age-appropriate education
- Medical- A child not receiving medical care.
Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse occurs when a child or young person is forced or deceived into sexual activity or touch. Sexual abuse does not have to mean physical touch, sexual abuse may happen online or via non-touching abuse such as indecent images or messages.
Child Sexual Exploitation
Child sexual exploitation is a form of Child sexual abuse, in which a child or young person is deceived or coerced into sexual activity. The child or young person may be groomed into believing they are in a consensual relationship. Child sexual exploitation does not have to be physical acts and can also happen online.
Child Criminal Exploitation
Child Criminal exploitation is where a Child or young person is coerced or manipulated into criminal activity. Children affected by Child Criminal Exploitation may sometimes be trafficked away from their local area or forced into servitude, Children and young people may not recognise that they are victims.
- Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
Female genital Mutilation is when a females genitals are injured, cut or altered for non-medical reasons. Female genital mutilation is a form of abuse and can have longstanding physical and emotional implications. Female Genital Mutilation is illegal in the U.K.
- Forced Marriage
Forced Marriage is when either one or two persons are forced to be married. This force may be physical, for example, threats to harm or physical violence, or emotional, for example, being made to feel you are bringing shame on your family. Forced marriage is a form of abuse and is illegal in the U.K.
- Honour-Based Violence or Abuse
Honour-based Violence is abuse that is committed due to the belief an individual has brought shame or dishonour on their family or community, Honour-based abuse may be physical or emotional. Honour-based abuse is illegal in the U.K.
- Safeguarding Adults
Adults can also be victims of abuse and neglect. This abuse may be physical, emotional, Sexual, financial or Neglect. Abuse may be sustained or a one-off event. Some adults may be more vulnerable due to illness, age, frailty, or circumstance.
Physical Abuse
Physical abuse is the name given to the act of physically hurting, injuring, or harming an adult. Physical Abuse may be caused by hitting, slapping, kicking, shaking, biting or any other physical act that harms a person.
Emotional Abuse
Emotional abuse is any abuse which impact the emotional health and well-being of an adult. Emotional abuse can take many forms such as humiliating, scaring, manipulating an adult.
Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse occurs when an adult is forced or deceived into sexual activity or touch. Sexual abuse does not have to mean physical touch, sexual abuse may happen online or via non-touching abuse such as indecent images or messages.
Financial Abuse
Financial abuse occurs when a person is forced or coerced to give money or possessions or where they are taken without knowledge or consent
Neglect or Act of Omission
Where an adult is not effectively, safely, or properly cared for.
Self- Neglect
Where an adult fails to take care themselves which causes or is reasonably likely to cause within a short period of time, serious physical, mental or emotional harm or substantial damage to or loss of assets.
Organisation Abuse
This may be a result of neglect, poor care within an organisation or a specific care setting such as a hospital or care home and/or poor practice in relation to care provided in a person’s own home
Domestic Violence/Abuse
Domestic violence or abuse is an umbrella term for abuse which is physical, emotional, financial and/or sexual which is permitted by a person with whom the victim is in or had an intimate relationship with, or a family member. Domestic Violence or abuse may be prolonged or a one-off incident.
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
Modern slavery is the term used when a person or persons are forced into slavery, servitude, or force labour. Human Trafficking is the term given to the organisation or act of harbouring, moving or transporting people who have been coerced, manipulated or forced.
Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguard (DOLs)
Sometimes people may be deemed to be unable to make safe decisions about their care, finances and living arrangements due to having a lack of capacity. The Mental Capacity Act ensures that these people are assessed and treated fairly and safely with their best interests at the centre of all decisions. Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards endure that those who are not deemed to have capacity to consent or make decisions about their care are safeguarded whilst they are in hospital or in a care setting.
For more information or support please contact the WWL safeguarding team or Wigan social care. If you feel yourself, an adult or child is in immediate danger, please ring the police on 999. Remember, we are here for help, support, and guidance.
- Helpful links for Safeguarding
Wigan Council (Children):
Wigan Safeguarding Board (Children):
Wigan Council (Adults):
Wigan Safeguarding Board (Adults):
ItsNotOkay (CSE):
Age UK:
Karma Nirvana:
Forward UK (FGM):
Crime Stoppers:
- Helpful Contact Numbers
WWL Safeguarding Team: 01942 778 600
Wigan Social Care (Children’s): 01942 828 300
NSPCC: 0808 800 5000
ChildLine: 0800 11111
AGE UK: 0800 678 1602
Refuge (Domestic Abuse): 0808 2000 247
Karma Nirvana (Honour-based Violence and Forced Marriage): 0800 5999 247
FGM Helpline: 0800 028 3550
Police Non-Emergency: 101
Crime Stoppers: 0800 555 111