Dr Jennifer Davies

Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist


Women's Services




Secretary: Lisa Botham
Telephone: 01942 778556


Gyanecology clinics – Women’s Health Unit, Hanover Diagnositc and Treatment Centre, Leigh Infirmary
Urodynamics – Monday am
General gynaecology – Tuesday pm
Bladder clinic – Wednesday am
Antental clinic – Thursday am – Thomas Linacre Centre
Menstrual disorder clinc – Friday am

Qualifications: MB ChB, MD, FRCOG
Jennifer was appointed Consultant Obstetrican and Gynaecologist at WWL in January 2000, having worked at Billinge Hospital as a Senior Registrar since November 1996. She is Clinical Director for Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

In the past she has been RCOG tutor for Wigan and is now the RCOG national flexible training adviser for Obstetrics and Gynaecology. She is also Chair of the Information Committee for the British Society of Urogynacology and an NCAS adviser.

She leads the urogynaecology service for the Trust in which 3 consultants provide bladder assessment clinics, a urodynamic service and continence surgery as well as other pelvic floor surgery. Outpatient cystoscopy, Botox injections and urethral bulking to treat stress incontinence are carried out in the Women’s Health Unit at Leigh Infirmary and most vaginal repairs are carried out as day case procedures. The urogynaecology service is delivered as an integrated service together with the Continence Advisory Service in the community and specialist pelvic floor physiotherapy within the Trust. Regular multidisciplinary team meetings are held with them together with Mr Andy Thompson, Consultant Urologist and Miss Naomi Mackenzie, Consultant Colorectal surgeon. There are also joint pelvic floor clinics in which Dr Davies, Miss Mackenzie and the teams from the Continence Advisory Service and Physiotherapy jointly assess those with complex combined problems.

She has general gynaecology clinics as well as contributing to the Menstrual Disorder service providing one-stop clinics including outpatient hysteroscopy if required. In addition she fully participates in the provision of Obstetric care.

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