Mr Andy Thompson

Consultant Urological Surgeon




Female urinary incontinence

Urodynamics (including video studies)

Functional bladder problems

Continence surgery – TVT

Continence surgery – colposuspension 

Overactive Bladder

Intra-vesical Botox treatment

Bipolar TURP (transurethral resection of the prostate)

Chronic Cystitis



Telephone: 01942 264070

Andy is also happy to offer telephone or email advice to GPs on the above contact number and email address.


Wednesdays 1300 – 1700  Leigh Infirmary
Thursdays  0830 – 1230  Thomas Linacre Centre, Wigan

General Urology Clinic: 3rd Monday evening each month at Wrightington Hospital Outpatient Department

Qualifications: MBChB, FRCS (Urol).

Andy Thompson is on the specialist register as a Consultant Urological Surgeon. Having trained at Manchester University medical school and qualified in 1991, he made short forays to both Leeds and Liverpool before returning to the Manchester area to complete his basic surgical training. Subsequently he joined the Manchester deanery urology specialist training scheme and was appointed to WWL in January 2003. His consultant appointment completed a long term association with the Trust having spent time here as a medical student, house officer and SHO during various parts of his training.

His main clinical interest lies in female urology and continence problems. He regularly participates in MDT meeting with the community continence team, pelvic floor physiotherapist and urogynaecologist.

Andy pursues a keen interest in clinical audit. He is the Clinical Director for clinical audit in the Trust and the audit lead for the Urology Department. In addition he is the Chairman of the North West Regional Urology Audit Group and the lead clinician for the audit of female and functional urology topics within the group.

He teaches regularly within the trust on core urology and audit and also within the specialist registrar teaching programme. He conducted a course on urinary incontinence at the International Continence Society, Glasgow, 2011.

Andy is the lead clinician for urology at the trust and is involved in development and implementation of diagnostic and referral pathways for local patients with suspected and proven urological cancers.

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